Foros de CONAPE

# de Caso 259
Tema Dinosaur Game
Nombre Donald Kelley
Estado Leído en 23 may 2024 08:09 AM
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Dino Game came to be in September 2014, when designer Sebastien Gabriel and the rest of Google's development team were looking for a fun way to kill time when people didn't have access to the internet. Thus, dinosaur game came into being. The "before the internet" period, when prehistoric dinosaurs roamed the planet and internet connectivity was nonexistent, serves as inspiration for the game's aesthetic. The T-Rex and the game's minimalist, black-and-white pixel art style are homages to vintage video games, evoking a bygone era of simplistic but entertaining visuals.

Donald Kelley :: miércoles 22 may 2024 11:57 PM